Pick the Best Social Media Agency to Manage Digital Campaigns for your Brand

The world is going digital. Being present and active on social media platforms is no longer just a quirk – it is mandatory for brands to survive and reach their target audience.

Social media has become one of the most powerful means for brands to talk directly to their audience and drive across a compelling message.

Why should you be present on social media?

Across the world, millions of people scroll through various social media platforms on a daily basis. With the internet and smartphones becoming cheaper and more accessible, the number of people and the time they spend on social media is only growing. For your brand to have an edge over others, it is a must to be active on social media. It allows your brand to be at the top of the mind of the audience.

What social media platforms should you look at?

It is recommended that you hire an expert social media agency that can outline and execute your brand’s social and digital presence. There are a variety of social media platforms, with newer ones being introduced on a regular basis. When you are selecting digital marketing agency, make sure they have expertise in the following platforms.


Statistics show that more than 25 million South Africans are on Facebook. This platform allows you to narrow down and target people so your advertising budget will not get wasted on irrelevant people. Your ads will be seen by those who are relevant to your brand. Owing to its popularity, customer-friendly interface, and specialized targeting options, this one is a must for any brand. 


No matter what you sell, your target audience is there on Instagram. Research shows that Instagram has a lot of influence on the purchase decision of users. If you want to drive online sales, you must be present on Instagram. Ensure that you get on board an SEO company that can help with search engine marketing and drive audience to your CTA pages. 


If you are in the B2B business, LinkedIn is mandatory for your social media strategy. It is used by professionals worldwide and also has more credibility as compared to other social media platforms. If you are active with relevant content on LinkedIn, you can establish thought leadership and  build credible connections.

Get started today

There are other social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok etc. which also have gained popularity in the last few years. Being actively present on social media helps you be seen as a brand that is abreast with the happenings in the digital world. Depending on your brand and your social media strategy, your agency will recommend an effective strategy mix of these platforms to be active on – for you to achieve your business goals. 


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